Logo Fundación Turismo Palma de Mallorca 365


We do our best so that our clients enjoy their stay to the fullest. The pizzas are made by us, we use only the best natural zutaten, Italian products and finally ... great taste and love. The recipe for the dough is original Italian and old. We are proud to serve several delicious authentic food Estamos orgullosos de servir varios deliciosos platos auténticos ...
C Calle Selva 6, 07008 Palma de Mallorca, Majorca Spain
3 € - 20 €
Link to Tripadvisor

Sunday 12:00-00:00

Monday 16:00-00:00

Wednesday 16:00-00:00

Thursday 16:00-00:00

Friday 16:00-00:00

Saturday 16:00-00:00
