Can Pere Antoni
Another of Palma’s great beaches stretching more than 700 metres long and 30 metres wide with a unique advantages: views of the cathedral. This makes it an inspirational bathing spot with a luxury urban skyline. Can Pere Antoni is also easy to access on foot and by bike thanks to the Paseo Marítimo which connects it to Palma Beach.
Lugar de socorro
Torre de vigilancia
Aparcament persones amb discapacitat
Sillas adaptadas para baño
Muletas ayuda mobilidad adultos y niños
Lavabo y ducha adaptada
Pasarela accesibilidad mar
Plataforma reposo y sombra
Socorrista sporte baño
Zona abalizada para baño asistido
Avinguda de Gabriel Roca, 9

Bus lines 1, 15, 17, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31