Cala Estància
A great beach which has been artificially restored and is protected by two breakwaters. This beach is ideal for families as it offers calm, shallow waters, and is also identified as a ‘no smoking beach’. The quality of water at Cala Estància is testimony to its blue-flag status. It is next to the Club Nàutic de Sant Antoni de la Platja.
Lugar de socorro
Torre de vigilancia
Aparcament persones amb discapacitat
Sillas adaptadas para baño
Muletas ayuda mobilidad adultos y niños
Lavabo y ducha adaptada
Pasarela accesibilidad mar
Plataforma reposo y sombra
Socorrista sporte baño
Zona abalizada para baño asistido
Carrer de Nanses

Bus lines 15, 17 and 52